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You need to log in to create posts and topics. is scam - here are the reasons.

Whois details:


Domain creation date: 20 April 2018

Domain age: Approximately 5 months as of today.

Domain registrant details have been hidden by namecheap whois guard.


Now let's look at some information we can find from the website itself. According to the website, they have 10 years of experience in the industry. Wow!  😆 But their website is just 5 months old. I wonder what kind of a professional brokerage and trading firm operated for 10 years but did not have a website until April 2018?  😆  😆


Other reasons why is scam:

1. They are not registered anywhere as a broker. (This is the most important point)

2. Since they are not a registered entity, they won't have any regulation either.

3. The website is not even complete. None of the social links work.