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You need to log in to create posts and topics. is a ridiculous scam website!

When I was going through this website, I was wondering if they really were serious even about scamming when they were posting the website content. It is like a thief going out on the road writing all over him 'Look I am a thief!', or they so sure that gullible newbies who dream to get rich quick will simply ignore the obvious red flags that it is actually useless to create an authentic looking website?

Now let's look at the contents of at the time of writing this post.

  • When the website is loaded, the first thing you can see if their claim "Join millions who've already discovered smarter investing by automatically copying the leading traders in our community" - Wow! comeon guys! What are you waiting for? Throw your money now! You want to get rich, don't you?
  • Next claim "We are licensed a regulated binary options brokerage. CrestOption provides, no doubt, the best binary options services in financial markets." - Haha RIP their wonderful English. And such a lie about being regulated. They are not even registered anywhere as a broker. It is just a fake website.
  • Looking at their 'About' page. you can see they could very well be sarcastic when they wrote whatever they wrote. They say they use the latest security protocols and mentions their proud use of SSL. But guess what? No SSL is actually used on their website.
  • They claim to have started their service through the website in 2012. But their website did not exist before 20 May 2018.

If you look you will find other things that are suspicious, but who cares? As long as such a ridiculous website did its job of scamming thousands of dollars from people who are blinded by greed, it is fine for the scammers who created it.