One-on-one forex training

One of the best ways to learn forex is through one-on-one training. This way you can ask specific questions directly and focus on areas you need to learn more.You can also ask questions that comes to your mind. This is a more personalized way of learning as compared to video and written tutorials.
Main contents of the training :

  • Basics of forex and MetaTrader.
  • Technical analysis (including trading the trendlines)
  • Use of the most popular indicators
  • Strategies and risk management
  • Basic fundamentals (A more detailed look into fundamental analysis will be given depending on your level of interest)

The Trainer’s Qualification and Experience:

  • A graduate in International Economics
  • 4 years experience in forex trading.

You can use the following form to ask for more details about the training and also to request for one-on-one training sessions.

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